Khalid Rahmani Co., LTD has been known for the quality of its products and services and has earned a good reputation as the major supplier of a wide range of veterinary medicines, veterinary equipment’s, laboratory equipment, and Artificial Insemination products consumable all over Afghanistan in both private sectors as well as a governmental section

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With the experience of decades, Khalid Rahmani Ltd has expanded its range of products to various categories. we continuously extend and enhance our range of products and services.


Veterinary Medicines

Find the list of veterinary medicines
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Veterinary Instruments

Find the complete range of veterinary instruments
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AI Equipment's

Complete range of Artificial Insemination eqiupment's
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Happy, Healthy Cows Gives More Milk

Dairy farming focuses on raising cows for the production of milk and other dairy products. The care of dairy cows is an important part of successful dairy farming. Dairy farmers take excellent care of their cows, providing their animals clean and comfortable housing, fresh water, food and medical attention when necessary. Dairy farmers know that healthy, happy cows produce more high-quality milk so the animals’ well-being is a farmer’s top priority.

Your Bussiness Partner for !

There Are More than
Veterinary Medicines
There Are More than
Veterinary Instruments
There Are more than
Artificial Insemination Equipments